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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Macho Macho Man

In the midst of the storm we call Cordon's temper there is also a very bright spot.  Cordon can be (unitentionally) hilarious.  The other day we went to Willard to listen to Lance's Dad speak in church.  I was careful to bring their church clothes with me for the occasion.  Anyway, I swear
all the buttons were on Cordon's shirt when I got him to church I do however, admit to losing his socks and thankfully it doesn't show in the pic but he is wearing his church shoes with no socks. So long story short, Cordon got to play the poor kid card who was missing 2 socks and 2 buttons.
My new favorite thing that Cord says in the morning is he wants cake and brownies for breakfast. Yeah, me too!  However, what he means is pancakes and berries.  We have started making whole wheat pancakes almost every morning and to top them off we put on the strawberries that my mom brought us from oregon that we have kept frozen. This is soooo
tasty and my kids love it. 
Cordon's new obsession is Kung Fu Panda. He can recite the movie verbatim and is working on the actions though I believe he is still at Level 0.  In addition, he has his "swords" (two narrow plactic poles used to set up his tent) which go with him every where. Some kids have their blanky, Cordon has his swords. If you chance to meet him be prepared to Kung Fu Fight.
Also, he has always been a big eater. With the exception of fruit he will eat about anything.
I had some starbursts to use as bribes to get them in the car when I need to go somewhere. I gave him two starbursts and, of course he ate them. When I got him out of the car I noticed there were no wrappers. I assumed they were in his pocket since I always tell them that garbage either goes in the garbage or your pocket.  Anyway, When I gave him another one
today and I actually witnessed him eat it wrapper and all. I figured out that is where the other wrappers went to. He didn't even seem to notice.
Cordon truly is a great kid and like most macho men he is just a teddy bear at heart.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

I married up

So I'm on call right now at the hospital and was just trying to find a pic on the world wide web that I could use to spice up this post.
It has been awhile since I posted. 2 ugly BYU losses to be exact. Anyway just sitting here thinking how good my wife is. She is home by herself trying to take care of 3 boys.
Yesterday she went to a baptism and of course our kids were the only ones running around the chapel. During the confirmation, Cordon gets his head stuck in a chair and keeps yelling "my head is stuck!" This isn't much worse than a few months ago at our niece's baptism when Darren started laughing hysterically and yelling "do it again" after she got put under the water.
So today Katie had sharing time, which she stayed up until midnight finishing, and Darren decides to run away. She frantically searches for him and finds him out in the parking lot. Then she is quickly trying to get her stuff ready. I'm sure she did a great job as she always does. Where was I during all of this? Why am I not in any of these stories?...I was at the hospital. Or as Darren calls it "daddy's home". Katie does put up with a lot. I have this insatiable desire to get out of debt as soon as possible. I'm not sure Katie always feels the same excitement for me working so much but she is supportive and keeps things going at home.
She rarely complains, and then only when I didn't tell her I was working again tonight until it actually is tonight. She works hard with the boys. She is very patient with them and very loving towards them. She tries hard to work with them, even though Cordon is a heckuva lot happier when Kung Fu Panda is playing. She makes dinner most every night and it is always a gourmet meal. She keeps the house as clean as possible given the circumstances. And she does it all cheerfully, except maybe when I am working for the 4th night in a row and she has to control the boys at church alone again, and she was up late trying to finish sharing time. Then she understandably gets a little tired.
Oh yes. And lets not forget the creme de la creme when she was pregant last year during our carpet installation and all our worldly belongings were in our living room for a weekend while our accidentally wet carpet dried out. Oh yeah and she had morning sickness, both kids had the stomach flu, I worked 2 12 hour days in a row, getting home about 11 each night and we all got to sleep, eat, and puke on our mattresses that were crammed in the living room. She didn't complain at all.
So here's to you Katie. The 15% tithing I paid all those years, hoping the Lord would see fit to bless me with a beautiful wife did actually pay off. I'll see you in the morning.