Blogger Layouts

Thursday, May 29, 2008

So I'll just throw this onto the front page

So I originally put this as a comment on my own blog. Then I realized THIS IS MY OWN BLOG! I don't need to relegate my important thoughts to no stinkin' comments. Katie's and my thoughts are the most important things in this little world we have created. So I'm publishing myself on the front page! 

Katie read what I wrote in my last post and said she didn't really understand what I was trying to say. It looks like Terri did get what I was trying to say. I hear what you are saying Aaron and I agree with Brad in that there should not be "expectations" from a wife for more than a comfortable house in a good neighborhood and showing respect to your life (what's the definition of a run-on sentence by the way?).  

That brings me to an unrelated topic but one I feel strongly about (even though it drives Katie crazy). I feel very strongly that there should not be expectations above those things Brad has mentioned. If that is all your husband is able to give you, you are luckier than a large percentage of women out there. I feel like a lot of harm is done by "expecting" the above and beyond things from your spouse. We should only be thankful when they do occur but not disappointed when they do not. 

Anyway that was a tangent. So anyway my basic point for the Katie's in the world who didn't quite get it was that I would love to have a marriage where you are still courting each other, not in the idea that you are trying to impress them but that you are constantly thinking of ways to make them smile, laugh, feel good, and feel loved. The way we all were when we were courting. That you are thinking of creative date ideas (or even going on dates for some of us), that you are texting or emailing or writing nice things to them. Not because you aren't comfortable with them or because you are trying to impress them but because you want to brighten their day or make them feel a little better about life or themselves. Anyway this is much too long. Suffice to say I admire those who do this better than I. 

I think this blogging thing is kind of funny. Like Terri said, you never know what your neighbors are thinking. At least it is better than seeing them walking through their house in their underwear.

So here's a little addendum. I finally figured out which brad posted the previous comment. I thought it was my buddy from Oregon. Then I clicked on the name and found out it was my white sheeted, redneck, male chauvinist southern friend Milkwick. Now it makes perfect sense. Just kidding. It's good to hear from you buddy. Glad to see you finally settled down and made something of yourself. All this time I thought you were floating the rivers of China getting large tips from large, drunk, middle aged women.

1 comment:

Ashlee Marie said...

Okay katie a few months ago you said you were commenting on your blog and I checked every week. But I was checking your MAC blog, I had NO idea you'd started on here!!! I can't wait to catch up. Hollie had her baby yesterday.