Blogger Layouts

Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer fun

Our grass is in and thriving and now ready to mow for the first time.  And so Lance has been working hard to make the backyard a fun place for the kids.  He put in a swing set. We just need the wood chips and border. He also built this very sturdy sandbox, we just need the sand.  The boys have mostly just enjoyed helping Lance fix things with all the tools.


Unknown said...

yard looks awesome! Tell Lance to come do ours now! :) Have you had that baby yet? Will Lance be delivering it by chance?

Becky said...

You chose an....interesting....title for this posting. It looks like summer work to me :-)

Lance said...

No stinking baby yet. We're still waiting for sure fire labor inducing techniques but haven't found one yet. Tonight is going to be the night.