Blogger Layouts

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Down by half

May 29, 2023
Today we got up and packed up Cam and Cord to go down to BYU. Cam will be at FSY with his friends. I think he will have a good time as long as he can get up in the mornings. Cordon is flying solo at ACT camp and I hope that he can make some friends.  We stopped to get lunch at JCW's before we dropped them off. Then we got some Bismark donuts on the way home. It is rough to just be done with school and then have to jump back in to study for the ACT. He did call me late last night to see if I will bring him some toiletries that he forgot. Im such a nice mom. 
Lance and the boys have been reinforcing the pasture fence so the cows do not get out. Lots of hard work.


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